Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The True Meaning of Christmas

Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Unwelcomed Friend

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Mystical Power Of Mothers

Truly, there is something mystical about mothers. Many men and women who have attained greatness still find themselves in a predicament wherein a motherly advice is imperative. Even kings and queens, no matter how powerful they are, their glory can not escape the fact that they all came from a woman who carried them from conception to birth. A painful task that no man is capable of. It is indisputable. They will always be sons and daughters who humble themselves to vow to their mothers
It is amazing that motherhood also extend to God’s lower creations. In the late spring of 2006, I observed and photographed the human-like behavior of a mother goose. All through out the hatching period, rain or shine, she was on her nest fulfilling her motherly obligation. She stood her ground, and maintained her guard in protecting the eggs. She also displayed her parenting skill. She taught her goslings how to survive and prepared them to their eventual long distance flight.
To everyone out there who still have mothers, when was the last time you sincerely expressed your gratitude she highly deserve? Don’t wait too long. Do it while you can, when you can. But most of all do it while she is still strong enough to raise her arms in giving you her affectionate motherly hug as she whispers to your ears: “I love you child.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Christian Life is like photography

Thursday, January 24, 2008
The Gift Of Seeing

Darkness_ meaning losing your eyesight?
It is indeed a scary thought. But on the brighter side, There are people like us who can read, see our way around and enjoy the freedom to see the morning light everyday. We are very fortunate. So fortunate that at times we all tend to take it for granted.
To those of us who are able to see, how often do we use our gift of seeing? We all have the gift but we have to be spiritually connected to the holy spirit to see beyond what is before us. God is constantly communicating to us through what we see and through our hearts.
Many years ago while attending a mass at St. Martin de Porres Church, the parish Priest introduced a group of six adults who were about to be baptized. One of them was a woman with her little boy who was about four years old. During the baptism, the woman handed her lit baptismal candle to the boy. The little child was in awe with the flame. With his eyes watching the candle light, he missed a step on the way down from the altar. He lost his balance and was about to fall but the boy hung on to the candlestick and did not let the flame out of his sight. He was so connected to the light. And before he could hit the floor, his Mom scooped him up to safety. What a beautiful sight!
That scene is still vivid in my head today. What I saw was the love of God to those who put their unshakable faith in Him. Never second guess God. He is always there for us. Open your eyes.
He is everywhere. In many forms and shapes.
I shot the above photo during a pilgrimage to The Holy Land. The silhouettes were of my fellow pilgrims from St. Thomas More Church who were gathered at the outside court of The Church Of The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. After examining the shot, I realized that I had just photographed the Gospel of Matthew 6:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
I posted a short video with the same title.
To see the video please click: artisticam presents