Thursday, April 7, 2011

photography for Christ

Bird singing praiseEyes That SeeFrom East to WestPhotographer for ChristNIGHT PILGRIMSIn Deep Prayer
House On RockHindu WeddingFather and SonDiscipline The ChildrenUnder The Wings of LightDiscipline
Red TulipsLooking for The Right ShotFlaming Torch copyBeautyCloudsCare for Animals
Be StillGreat TempleSweet JourneyGod'd CovenantFalse ProphetFace In The Water

photography for Christ, a set on Flickr.


NikonSniper said...

beautiful work! i love what you are doing here.
nikonsniper steve

Stacey said...

Beautiful pictures! I will recommend your site to others with a passion for photography. I am a fellow Word Guild member - welcome to the guild!