Ho! - Ho! - Ho! _The most familiar sound of the season from the world-famous overweight bearded man in a red suit. Yes, you guessed it right. It is the good old jolly Santa, laughing his way down the chimney. Children love him. They see him as the courier of toys from the North Pole. His picture is everywhere. Although many stories were written about him, he is still a myth that can be outgrown by the same little boys and girls who were fascinated by his magic and his flying reindeers.
No matter how the world sees it, and no matter how we define the season, there is no denying. It is Christmas! And the story behind it is real. You can gather all the Santas and build a mountain out of them, but they can never overshadow the humble infant who was born in a manger in Bethlehem.
The picture of young mother Mary and her supportive husband Joseph looking at their newborn baby Jesus is the most compelling image of Christmas. _The complete illustration of The Nativity and the fulfillment of the prophesied Saviour, the Son of God and born by a virgin mother. This image has been embedded in my head since childhood. I grew up envying the shepherds who were so blessed of being there to welcome Him.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be there in the stable, just gazing at the baby boy who was born to die for your sins? Wouldn’t it be spiritually uplifting? And what if you were given the chance of a lifetime to quantum leap to the First Christmas? Would you take some photos with your digital camera? I can bet my bottom dollar, you would. Thank God, this place has been preserved and readily accessible to anybody who is willing and could afford to travel to Bethlehem. One may not see The Holy Family, but to visit the actual site where it all took place is an experience beyond measure.
In November 2005, my wife and I experienced the next best thing. We were at the place where the bright heavenly star beamed down its ray to the stable, wherein the three wise men once stood and knelt down to give homage to The King of kings.
The birthplace of our Lord Jesus is now securely contained by the massive structure of The Church of The Nativity in Bethlehem. It was not exactly as I envisioned but the feeling was still overwhelming. In my heart I could hear the lyrics of the classic Christmas song “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” as I entered the shrine in the basement of the Church. I remember myself staring at the designated spot that the Christian scholars and historians believed was the place of the Holy Manger. The more I looked at it, the more I wondered why there are still others who miss out on the true meaning of Christmas.
The momentous visit to Bethlehem was accentuated by the Christmas mass held by Father Duffy inside the cave-chapel in the Shepherds Fields that was similar to the stable where Jesus was born. Although it was in the middle of November, it was the best Christmas ever for me and my wife. Did I take photos? Yes I did. And that goes without saying. I shot lots of photos. I used some of them in producing a slide show that is now posted in You Tube, entitled “Bethlehem 2005” under the channel, Cinebell. To those who have not visited Bethlehem yet, I would like to share with you the experience. I invite you to see it, at least once.
This December is another season to celebrate. I wish you all the Merriest of Christmas and the Happiest of New year. May the star of Christmas shine upon all of us.
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