In this day and age of the so-called high-tech society, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth is the way to get connected. Cables and wires are slowly getting discarded to their demise by more advanced and newer gadgets. But is wireless technology really a new thing that man invented out of the desire to improve life? Hmmnn…. That is a good question.
Since the creation of man, God has communicated to us without wires. Through our hearts, He speaks and calls us; sometimes we hear, sometimes we don’t. To those who stay connected, the spiritual message is upon them; others who are preoccupied listening to the digital sound of
Since the creation of man, God has communicated to us without wires. Through our hearts, He speaks and calls us; sometimes we hear, sometimes we don’t. To those who stay connected, the spiritual message is upon them; others who are preoccupied listening to the digital sound of