Summer is hot, autumn is mild and winter is cold. Of all the
three, winter is the season that prepares the ground for the next creative
process - the magic of spring!
Winter sprinkles the frozen earth with snowflakes, covering
the landscape with a white blanket of snow. From a distance the snow-covered
ground appears like a primed canvas, worthy of Da Vinci’s brush and
Michelangelo’s touch.
Spring comes like an artist with a palette of paint, bringing
life to a dead space. It thaws the frozen and restores life. It repairs the
faded colors that were caused by the freezing winter. Spring revitalizes the
spirit of nature. It gives birth to a new beginning.
It is amazing to witness the brown pasture gradually reverting
to its original green. Soon, seeds will sprout and grow. A variety of beautiful
perennials will awake from hibernation. New twigs will emerge. Lush of leaves
will revive the trees. Tulips in vibrant colors will shoot up from the ground.
Wild flowers will bloom to meet the visiting butterflies. And when God is
smiling, a rainbow will appear, to bridge the clouds and the open meadow.
God is the Master Artist, the Lord of all seasons. He has
chosen spring to show us the work of His artistic hand. Spring is the season
when He unveils earth`s hidden beauty. From the fertile ground that hosts
botanic life and animals - to the air that caters to the floating bees and
butterflies - to the flowing rivers that reflect the magnificent sky, God
connects them all and transforms them into one grandiose show-and-tell. A truly
magnificent illustration!
Spring keeps us in touch. It makes us feel the energy of
fulfilment. What we plant today is the fruit we harvest tomorrow. When we
build a dream, we allow the dream to build us. When we practice what we love to
do, we become what we love. Musicians are who they are because they play with
music. Likewise, a ballerina finds the
rhythm of her motion by allowing her heart to dance with the music. The
possibilities are endless as long as we believe in the spring that comes from
within us.
Spring is about time. It is the time to believe in hope. It
is the time to welcome a new beginning. It is the time to visualize what God
has in store for us when He illustrated the most endearing beginning of all the
beginnings – the resurrection of Christ.
It is not a
coincidence that Easter Sunday falls on spring. Spring is truly the season to
believe in the renewal of our Christian faith.