Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Master Plan

The outcome of any given project fully depends on its planning or the lack of it. Without the well drafted blueprints of engineers and architects, the construction of bridges, roads and buildings would be in chaos. To simply put it, one must have a plan or at least the understanding to follow one.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dare to Standout

   Human eyes have that embedded curiosity that draws them to whatever visually jumps out of their line of vision. They zero-in on the subject, focus on it and shift our train of thought to the re-composed perspective that now becomes the focal point.

   Whether you like it or not, whatever it is in you that grabs the eye, would most certainly pull you into the spotlight. You could be the best, the worst or perhaps just simply different from the rest, the attention would be on you. There is no escape.

   Here is a story of a fourteen-year old ambitious girl